Friday, August 21, 2009

About ME a newbie....

let me intro my self

i'm a 21years old who need direction in life

starting this blog just simply to voice out or share something i know

so my biggest interest in life is...

and i also quite like to take photo too(some of my work)


there are much more things i like to do in my life such as....

i wan to try...but it kinda impossible in Malaysia right?(unless tsunami again then i can surf that big wave..haha)

i love outdoors but...current just too much


aiks....hope it either disappear from the face of the earth or just kill everyone living in it...make life simpler

enough of what i like and now for what i dont like

i absolutely hate
because peoples who have involve in this field nowadays are just too hypocrite to me

every word from their mouth are love this country and bla bla bla but every acts they do are just for the benefits of them self

the funniest part is a country name "mamar" who run by a bunch of "macho" soldier actually afraid towards a weak lady~da?


i think i speak too much of what shouldn't be spoken

well....plenty of idea running trough my mind now but...i'm afraid i'm gonna put a fullstop her for now....


  1. boo!!!!!!!!!!! finally u've got a blog!!!
    welcome to the blogosphere...!!

  2. boo u too!!!!u got blog d ar?!?good that u have a blog tat is written in english!!!haha(=strunggling to read ur chinese blog....
