again...cant sleep at night...
well...might just put all my crap here...
things have return to normal...eventually...
uni life getting busier with all the reports, assignment and etc...
good way to distract me from thinking of something i shouldn't...
but just when everything settle down...cool down deep in the middle of the night...
memories just keep coming back to me...
recently just...meet a new girl...
she was cute,nice and good to me...
lucky me huh...
yah...think so...

just really i have something i cant understand bout girls...
when they have something in their mind that bothering them...
they'll show everything in on their face..but just when being ask...
they'll tell you nothing...everything is fine...
o.k...fine means fine lo..
when an argument broke out...
all their everything is fine will suddenly change to everything is NOT fine~
this is the time you really wan to OMG...
bla bla bla...
they'll sure sound like an alien where what they'll be saying are those that you never heard b4...
oh my....foot.....
maybe i just dont understand girls...
i dont understand their way of thinking..
i dont understand their way to expressing them self...
but as a guy...
just cant live without girl...
cant tell why...
maybe they just have that magical touch on men...
for me..
when there's a girl that love me with all her heart...
nothing satisfied me more than that in this world...